How to estimate customer lifetime using churn rates


Recently I was listening to Tom, our CEO, explain how we use average customer lifetime in our Return on Investment (ROI) business cases - it is one of many elements that we must estimate when building a ROI case for our customers. Tom explained how we use 1 / Churn, in order to estimate average customer lifetime - a commonly adopted approach. For example if we know that the churn is 20%, we would estimate the average lifetime as 10.2\frac{1}{0.2} = 5 years.

Listening to him, I realised, I didn't know why this was valid. It is simple to estimate and is an accepted method, but I wanted to dig into why its used.

Defining Churn and Lifetime

To get started, its important to explain what we mean by churn. We can define churn as the probability that at the end of a year a customer leaves. For example, if our churn was 50% (!) then at the end of a year, we flip a coin: heads the customer churns, tails the customer renews. Obviously we can pick any timescale to consider churn over, it doesn't have to be a one year (e.g. it could be daily, weekly or monthly churn).

Clearly 50% churn is insane, so lets continue by assuming 20% churn. We can write the probability, PP, of a customer churning after 1 year, Y, like this:

P(Y=1)=0.2\begin{align*} P(Y = 1) & = 0.2 \end{align*}

We can also ask the question - what is the probability that a customer will churn after two years? In this case they renewed in year 1 (we had a 80% chance of renewing), but they churned at the end of year 2. So the probability of churning after 2 years is:

P(Y=2)=0.8×0.2=0.16\begin{align*} P(Y = 2) & = 0.8 \times 0.2 = 0.16 \end{align*}

Thus, we have a 0.16 or 16% chance of a customer churning after two years. Similarly we can ask what is the chance of a customer churning after 3 years, or even 10 years (we retain them for 10 years: 9 renewals and then they churn at the end of year 10)?

P(Y=3)=0.8×0.8×0.2=0.128P(Y=10)=0.8×0.8×0.8×0.8×0.8×0.8×0.8×0.8×0.8×0.2=0.027\begin{align*} P(Y = 3) & = 0.8 \times 0.8 \times 0.2 = 0.128 \\ P(Y = 10) & = 0.8 \times 0.8 \times 0.8 \times 0.8 \times 0.8 \times 0.8 \times 0.8 \times 0.8 \times 0.8 \times 0.2 = 0.027 \end{align*}

So we have a 12.8% chance of a customer churning after 3 years. We therefore say they had a lifetime of 3 years. We can also say their is a 2.7% chance of a customer having a 10 year lifetime.

A simple model for churn: the geometric distribution

The last calculation was a little tedious to write, but we can write it more generally as:

P(Y=y)=p (1p)y1for y=1,2,3\begin{align*} P(Y=y) &= p\ (1-p)^{ y-1} && \text{for}\ y = 1, 2, 3 \dots \\ \end{align*}

where pp is the probability of churning - a value between 0.0 and 1.0.

This is called the geometric distribution, sometimes called the shifted geometric distribution. It is a probability distribution used to model the number of trials (in our case a trial is each successive year a customer decides to stay or leave) up to an event (in our case the churn event).

To show how it related to our earlier examples, for a 20% churn probability, p=0.2p=0.2:

P(Y=y)=p (1p)y1P(Y=y)=0.2(10.2)y1P(Y=y)=0.20.8y1\begin{align*} P(Y=y) &= p\ (1-p)^{ y-1} \\ P(Y=y) &= 0.2\cdot (1-0.2)^{ y-1} \\ P(Y=y) &= 0.2\cdot 0.8^{ y-1} \end{align*}

We can plot this probability against each year - to visualise the chance of a customer churning after 1,2,3,4... years. We can also plot what this would look like if p=0.1, i.e. a 10% probability of churn:


These distributions seem intuitive - as each year passes, the chance of a customer staying decays. What this also tells us is that the most common lifetime for a customer is 1 year - this is the mode of this distribution.

In the left-hand plot, as expected we can see the churn probabilities are 20% after one year and 16% after two years - as we calculated previously. The probability of retaining a customer for five years is only 8.2% and yet (perhaps unintuiatively) this is what we estimate to be the average customer lifetime! How can this be?

The answer lies in the long-tail of this distribution: unlike the Normal distribution the most likely lifetime is not the same as average lifetime for the geometric distribution. A lifetime of 1 year is most likely (a 20% chance) and 5 years is only 8.2% likely. However some customers will only churn after 10 or even 20 (or even longer) years. These small chances of longer lifetimes all contribute to the average - i.e. these longer-term, loyal customers average out the shorter lifetime customers.

We can calculate the average lifetime as the sum of the lifetime of a customer ×\times the chance of a customer having that lifetime. A simple example of such a weighted sum is the average number you get from rolling a die. The outcomes are either 1,2,4,5,6 and the chance of each outcome occurring is 16\frac{1}{6} - hence the average score from repeatedly rolling the die is:

16×1+16×2+16×3+16×4+16×5+16×6=3.5\begin{align*} \frac{1}{6} \times 1 + \frac{1}{6} \times 2 + \frac{1}{6} \times 3 + \frac{1}{6} \times 4 +\frac{1}{6} \times 5 + \frac{1}{6} \times 6 = 3.5 \end{align*}

The first few sums for average customer lifetime are:

Average lifetime=P(Y=1)×1+P(Y=2)×2+P(Y=3)×3Average lifetime=0.2×1+0.16×2+0.128×3Average lifetime=0.2+0.32+0.384+0.4096\begin{align*} \text{Average lifetime} &= P(Y=1) \times 1 + P(Y=2) \times 2 + P(Y=3) \times 3 \dots \\ \text{Average lifetime} &= 0.2 \times 1 + 0.16 \times 2 + 0.128 \times 3 \dots \\ \text{Average lifetime} &= 0.2 + 0.32 + 0.384 + 0.4096 \dots \end{align*}

This sum goes on forever, but we can plot how this sum converges with each weighted contribution:


As expected this average settles to 5 years after the contributions from ~30 years i.e. the average of all possible lifetimes is 5 years! It turns out we can show that this sum is exactly 5 years - but in order to do that we'll need to get into some maths.


Before we get to that, its worth explaining the limitations of using the geometric distribution.

Firstly this model assumes that the probability a customer will churn is always 20% regardless of previous years outcomes. This is the independence assumption - it intuitively feels too simple - maybe you'd expect your first year churn to be 20%, but if a customer renewed in year 1, you'd expect the chance of churning in year 2 to be related to outcome of year 1. Unlike flipping a coin, where the outcome of each flip is completely independent of the previous flip - the chances of a customer churning each year are not independent events.

The second assumption is that the churn probability is always 20% - again maybe this depends on the type of customer e.g. perhaps smaller customers churn more easily. We may have many such pieces of information about a customer e.g. how engaged they were, when they last responded to an email, how rapidly they've grown. These 'signals' can't be incorporated into the simple model above.

Finally the possible outcomes each year might not be simply customer churns vs customer renews - perhaps some customers become dormant or go out of business - maybe we want to model these outcomes differently.

A more flexible approach, e.g. using Machine Learning, can help overcome these limitations - allowing you to incorporate additional data or signals and train a more sophisticated model of churn.


When building business cases, its perfectly acceptable to use 1churn\frac{1}{churn} as an estimate of average customer lifetime - this is a consequence of modelling lifetime using the geometric distribution. It should be noted that this approach is not particularly robust for more sophisticated use cases.

I've cover the basics of probability distributions, expectations and infinite sums - if you're interested in one method of proving that the expectation really is 1p\frac{1}{p} then you should read the final section.

Showing that the average lifetime is exactly 1p\frac{1}{p}

In order to calculate the Average Customer Lifetime, we need to evaluate this sum to infinity. This weighted sum is called the mean or expectation, E of the probability distribution, it is given by:

E[Y]=y=1P(Y=y)y\begin{align*} E[Y] &= \sum_{y=1}^{\infty} P(Y=y)\cdot y \end{align*}

To remind ourselves, we are trying to prove that this expectation is evaluates to 1p\frac{1}{p} i.e. 1churn\frac{1}{churn}. Lets work through this, substituting in for P(Y=y)P(Y=y) from earlier.

E[Y]=y=1p (1p)y1yE[Y]=py=1(1p)y1y\begin{align*} E[Y] &= \sum_{y=1}^{\infty} p\ (1-p)^{ y-1}y \\ E[Y] &= p \sum_{y=1}^{\infty} (1-p)^{ y-1}y \end{align*}

Lets substitute q=1pq = 1-p for convenience:

E[Y]=py=1qy1y\begin{align*} E[Y] &= p \sum_{y=1}^{\infty} q^{ y-1}y \end{align*}

The trick here is to recognise that the summation can be replaced by a derivative of another summation, specifically the derivative of a power series (also note that the summation starts from y=0y=0 now):

E[Y]=pddq(y=0qy)\begin{equation*} E[Y] = p \frac{d}{dq} \Big( \sum_{y=0}^{\infty} q^{ y} \Big) \end{equation*}

Also we can recognise we specifically have this geometric series under the derivative:

y=0qy\begin{align*} \sum_{y=0}^{\infty} q^{y} \end{align*}

And, as we know that q<1q < 1, the geometric series will converge to:

11q=(1q)1\begin{align*} \frac{1}{1-q} = (1-q)^{-1} \end{align*}

We can subsitute this for the summation under the derivative:

E[Y]=pddq((1q)1)\begin{equation*} E[Y] = p \frac{d}{dq} \big( (1-q)^{-1} \big) \end{equation*}

If we evaluate the derivative and simplify:

E[Y]=p(-1-1(1q)2)E[Y]=p(1q)2E[Y]=p(1(1p))2E[Y]=pp2E[Y]=1p\begin{align*} E[Y] &= p \big( \text{-1} \cdot \text{-1}\cdot(1-q)^{-2} \big) \\ E[Y] &= \frac{p}{(1-q)^{2}} \\ E[Y] &= \frac{p}{(1-(1-p))^{2}} \\ E[Y] &= \frac{p}{p^{2}} \\ E[Y] &= \frac{1}{p} \end{align*}

Hence, we know for the geometric distribution, the mean is 1p\frac{1}{p} and hence why it is valid to take this value when estimating average customer lifetime from churn.

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